And more unusually for a hit song in the truncated streaming age, even after its second closing run-through, the chorus continues in a final echo as the song starts to fade. Lucid dreaming refers to a state of consciousness where a.

It’s as if the refrain was so definitive of the larger song that it would be guaranteed to overshadow all it surrounded, so Juice WRLD saved it to serve as a bookending statement - something worth waiting the rest of the song for to hear again. On Lucid Dreams, Juice WRLD explores the mental anguish he feels after experiencing a break-up. Juice WRLDs hit Lucid Dreams has made its way to 67 year old British rocker Sting, whos more than impressed. lucid dreams Lucid Dreams Juice World lucid dream lyrics Juice WRLD Juice Wrld Live Juice Wrld Quotes Juice Wrld. “Lucid Dreams” might not have been remarkable for starting with its chorus, but one of its most interesting choices is that it never breaks up the verses - it loops twice at the beginning, and then you don’t hear it again until the song’s close. Chicago rapper Juice WRLD enlists the help of Philadelphia star Lil Uzi Vert for the remix to his July 2017 breakout hit Lucid Dreams. It was officially released by Grade A Productions and Interscope Records on May 4, 2018, after previously being released on SoundCloud in June 2017. Juice WRLD Lucid DreamsClean Version 10 Hours Loop1 hourSince I deal with music, the songs are copyrighted. ( At the end of his charming 2018 Nardwuar the Human Serviette interview, Juice even added an unprompted amendment to his earlier claims: “Remember, all girls… aren’t the same, anymore, ‘coz I got a girlfriend, so…”) Lucid Dreams (Juice Wrld song) ' Lucid Dreams ' (alternatively ' Lucid Dreams (Forget Me) ') 2 is a song by American rapper and singer Juice WRLD. Lucid Dreams is a heartbreak song by American rapper and singer Juice WRLD. READ: Could Juice WRLDs Yellowcard Lawsuit Be Raps. Juice WRLD - Lucid Dreams (Directed by Cole Bennett) Lyrical Lemonade 20.6M subscribers Subscribe 8.

The self-pitying and finger-pointing lyrics of “Lucid Dreams” definitely dipped into outright misogyny, with lyrics like “Who knew evil girls had the prettiest face?” and “You found another one, but I am the better one/ I won’t let you forget me” veering into particularly uncomfortable territory - impressions not helped by the second-most-popular song of his breakout year, “All Girls Are the Same.” But the softness of the song and of Juice’s smiling, non-confrontational public image in general did make the sentiments a little more palatable than a few of his peers, whose real-life rap sheets added an extremely uncomfortable verisimilitude to their problematic lyrics. The late rapper sampled Stings 1993 hit Shape of My Heart for his 2018 breakout hit Lucid Dreams. Unfortunately, with his fluid blending of rap and rock’s sonic tropes, Juice WRLD also showed the tendency to mix some of the genres’ most toxic lyrical themes as well. Juice WRLD Is Ready To Go From Streaming Superstar to Hip-Hop Great